Shanta Vira Yoga is a complete and total practice designed by Michael J. Stewart to invite every practitioner to engage in “actively being human.” Shanta Vira Yoga intends for each practitioner to embrace all of the qualities of being human with emphasis on the source and the…

Here you can find our teaching schedules, events, trainings, workshops and everything related.

Here you can find all details about the upcoming teaching training, starting in October 2024:
If you have an intimate relationship with yourself, if you are creative about your life choices and then share your refined skills, generous gifts, and living talents with and in community… you are “actively being human.” This is a way to espouse the famous words of Mahatma Gandhi: “Be the change you wish to see in the world.” This is the wisdom of Shanta Vira® Yoga known as “actively being human”.
Hier findest Du alle Details zum kommenden Teacher Training ab Oktober 2024:
Wenn wir uns in inniger Beziehung zu uns selbst wahrnehmen können, wenn wir Lebensentscheidungen auf kreative Art und Weise treffen können und wenn wir darüber hinaus in der Lage sind, diese Fähigkeiten sowie all unsere Geschenke und Talente in Gemeinschaft zu teilen, dann werden wir Mahatma Gandhis Apell gerecht: Be the change you wish to see in the world. Sei du selbst der Wandel, den du dir in dieser Welt wünscht. In diesem Sinne lautet die Intention von Shanta Vira® Yoga (SVY): Actively Being Human. Aktiv Menschsein.